We Care... Because Jesus Cares
FBC Coushatta|P.O. Box 465|2000 Alonzo St.|Coushatta, LA 71019|318-932-4023
 Student Ministry
Delivering the Message of God's Word and training its future messengers
Weekly Schedule

9:45- Sunday Morning Bible Study
​11:00-Sunday morning worship service
6:00- Sunday evening worship service

6:00- Bible Study

Everything we do in our student ministry is based around three things.  Know (what the Bible teaches), Be (the characteristics that Christ displayed), and Do (sacrificially serving as a form of ministry).  Whether it is Sunday morning, Wednesday night, or even just hanging out after a football game, Jesus will be exalted.  We can always be found in our state-of-the-art Youth Room in the Family Life Center or playing basketball in the gym!